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Of all the problems facing this continent, the most serious one which needs urgent attention is unemployment. Some may say security but the fact is that even security challenges is derived from unemployment when one studied it deeply. There's a popular saying that "the devil finds a job for the idle mind". This saying holds true for all times and in all places.

The consequences of Unemployment are manifestly visible everywhere in society. Most of the cases of robbery with or without violence are attributable to unemployment. Prostitution, human trafficking, drug trafficking, refugees cross the meditranian see through Libya which sometimes unfortunately grab and sold as slaves and many other social vices are traceable to unemployment. Because when a person is not gainfully employed, there is nothing he cannot do 'to keep body and soul together.'
What are the factors responsible for this monster that is terrorizing the whole continent?

First and foremost there has been the proliferation of tertiary educational institutions in the last Two decades. Apart from those established by Federal Government, each State or Local Government has founded its own tertiary institutions. In addition, each religious body has founded or is about to found a university of its own. Highly placed individuals now have private universities (never mind, each hamlet will soon make some attempt to found a university). These tertiary educational institutions turn out graduates in large number every year-in year-out. Unfortunately no provision is made to employ these graduates.

Apart from this, many of the existing industries and factories are folding up as a result of the harsh economic climate. Thus word such as; retrenchment, rationalization, trimming of work force, etc have entered into the industrial language of the continent. This, in plain language, means thousands and thousands of workers have been sacked and more are still going into the unemployment market.

Unfortunately, the epileptic nature of electricity is not helping matters. Thousands of people who depend on electricity for their means of livelihood do not have access to it. Power supply has been very erratic. Many technicians and artisans have therefore been sent to the unemployment market. Thus; there are armies and armies of the unemployed.
But then what can we do to get out of the problem?
There must be a firm determination on the part of all and sundry to deal with the monster. Many if not all Nations of African states has very fertile land for all types of agriculture. The Government of African States should give the necessary encouragement to the youth to take an interest in agriculture which can provide millions of jobs for the teeming population of the unemployed.
In addition, the Government of African States must make spirited efforts to establish many new industries and factories which can gainfully employ the unemployed people.

Also power generation must be considerably improved. The constant provision of electricity will provide energy for the millions of artisans and technicians. They will therefore be gainfully employed. If all these measures are taken, the problem of the unemployment will be drastically reduced, if not totally eradicated.

God gives nothing to those who keep their arms crossed.

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