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An article of one Nigerian newspaper, written by AHMED YUSUF, BORNO.

As the government steps up its campaign to fight corruption two young boys have set us all an example of honesty. They found nearly a million naira in a rubbish bag, and returned it all to its rightful owner!

The two boys were playing near a rubbish dump in Maiduguri, Borno State. They found a black plastic bag which they thought might make a good football. But when they kicked it, it was too hard.
"It hurt my foot, so we opened it to see what was inside, it was stuffed with money!" said one of the boys, aged 9.
They called their elder brother for advice. He suggested giving it to a local politician who was in the area.

After Friday prayers, the leader announced at local mosque that some money had been found. Several people came forward to claim the money but could not describe the exert amount or packing. Eventually one man did manage to convince the authorities that the N853,000 was his. However he would not explain why he had been hoarding it in a dustbin.
His sister had thrown the bag away when she was cleaning. "I didn't know there was money in the bins when I emptied them," she said.
After receiving his money, the owner gave the boys, N5000 each. However some local did not think this was reward enough for such honesty.
"We need to encourage honesty in our young people if we are to defeat the curse of corruption in our society," said one elder.

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