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The wave of armed robbery, burglary, xenophobic attack and religion extremism which has been on the increase in recent times has been a source of concern and worry to all well-meaning citizens in our beloved continent. There is hardly a day when there are no reported cases of those evil act (armed robbery, burglary and terrorist attacks). Indeed, last few years an average of some number of evil act involving the above mentioned problems where reported on an on.

In those incidents many people were killed, many where maimed and many were seriously injured. Lives are no longer safe, even in broad daylight these evil men of the underworld carry out their nefarious operations. Properties are no longer secure, properties worth billions have been lost to armed robbers, burglars and terrorists organizations.
What are the causes of the sudden and increasing rate of all those evil act?
A pathetic sight in most of our villages, cities and states is that of a large army of Unemployed people roaming the streets. Year-in year-out, various institutions of learning turn out graduates in large numbers. Sadly enough there are no jobs for these graduates. Many of them therefore resort to armed robbery or burglary 'to keep their body and soul together'.
In addition to this because of the depressed economy many factories and industries have had to fold up or shut down. The workers become unemployed overnight. These workers also find ways of surviving by engaging in nefarious activities.
Thirdly; there's also the desire to get rich quick overnight without hard work. Many young people want to ride luxury cars, they want to live in posh houses and even dream to have an easy life or easy access to all the good things in life. They are however not patient enough to get this by legitimate means. They therefore resort to car-snatching, armed robbery, burglary, terrorism and so on and so forth.

Another contributory factor is the warped value system of the society. We live in a society which places high value on materialism, people who are wealthy are idolized in the society. Nobody bothers to think of how the wealth is got which very bad for a developing continent (and many got theirs by dubious means). Once you can ride the latest type of car in the world, then unfortunately you have become 'the God Father, objects of worship and adoration', and many people are vain. They want to be worshipped. They therefore resort to the easy way of becoming objects of worship - depriving other people of their hard-earned money by force.
Think the government has a major role to play in dealing with the situation in such a way it should create a conducive environment for factories and industies which have being closed or shut down due to financial issues should be reopen with immediate effect, apart from establishing many more.
It should also encourage the private sector to establish more factories and industries. These will provide massive employment for the unemployed.

Let African Union as a whole pay sincere and adequate attention to agriculture, they should modernized it and make it attractive. This will not only make jobs available for graduates, it will also provide Food in large quantities for the teeming population. In addition, raw materials will be produced to feed the factories and industries established.
Governmen should also re-orientate the people about the societal value system. It should de-emphasize the premium placed on materialism. The African Elite should set a pace. They should ride small cars like the Volkswagen series and use good and things manufactured in the continent. The need for hard work, diligence and industry should be emphasized.

My fellow African Youth, if we did not wake up from this sleep, no one will wake us up, we should stop imitating because when trying to imitate someone else, the best you can be is number two. Let's stand up and develop our beloved continent, Africa need us. Never give up!

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